Remembering Pastor Mike Hobby

Pastor Mike Hobby

Michael David Hobby, 65, went home to be with the Lord on June 22nd, 2016 surrounded by his loving family.  Mike was a Vietnam veteran and later went on to earn his Bachelor’s Degree from University of Washington.  Mike was the pastor of Church of the Isaiah 58 Project of Arizona in Quartzsite AZ where he found joy in feeding, clothing, and helping  others. He also enjoyed restoring old cars and riding motorcycles.

Mike will be remembered as a man who was a follower of Jesus, always willing to sacrifice for his fellow man.

He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Linda, their children: Michael  (Angie), Chad (Christy), Kim (Tim) and Jeremy (Heather), sister, Anne  Shukar (John), grandchildren, Tera, Dustin, Christina, Zac, Sara, and  Mallory and great-grandchildren, Katelyn & Casey.  He was preceded  in death by his parents Bill & RoseMarie, brother Steve, and son Bill.

God Bless you, and God Bless the Isaiah 58 Project 

October 1, 1950--June 22, 2016

Past Sermons

Sermon 05.29.16 Beginning in 1John 5:1-11

Jesus was sent forth to proclaim his Father and to die for our sins. If you love Jesus, you love God, including the Holy Spirit. These three are One. If you are born from above, God is your Father. There is a sin that is not unto death: self-reliance, but you will miss God's will for you and His blessings in your life. Believing on Jesus gives you righteousness, the ability to go under God's wing and stay there. Suggest reading entire chapter.

Sermon 05.22.16 Beginning Scriptures: The Book of Jude:

Three Old Testament examples of how the modern church may be falling into apostasy. Cain’s offering to God was inferior to his brother Abel’s, so Cain killed him in jealousy and was doomed by God to wander in the wilderness, marked so that he wouldn’t be killed. Religion has gone the way of Cain = he did it his way. Fight the tendency to do things your own way. Read about Balaam in The Book of Numbers; another form of religion is selling God’s gifts for profit. The third example is the Gain-saying men of Exodus who challenged Moses’ authority with 250 followers, then with 4000, all who were all destroyed by God’s punishment. People today still want to challenge authority, even if they are called by God and are Holy. Jesus said, “Pray that you are found worthy.” We will be walking with Him in eternity only because of His righteousness

Sermon 05.15.16 Opening Scripture Rom 15:1-11

We need to understand God's promises. God is in charge and doesn't take council. Even Satan is just a tool of God's. Satan cannot do anything that god will not let him. God's wrath is going to come down upon the people of disobedience. Our hope is an anchor to keep us, for this is not our home. We will put on greatness, and walk with Christ Jesus. Be encouraged. The whole purpose of this Age is to bring the Gentiles unto God

Sermon 05.08.16 Mother's Day Scriptures John 14:27-31

Don't stop praying for your families over whom you have been given authority. Jesus tells us not to be troubled nor be afraid. Times are rough, but your heart must stay soft. The peace that God gives you is different that the peace in the world.

Sermon 05.01.16 Beginning Scriptures: John 3:14-21

In the Garden of Eden, Man decided to live independently of God, in spiritual darkness. God loved us so much, that He gave His only begotten Son for all sin to be taken upon His Son. In due time, a church of believers came forth. 1 Pet 2:9 Jesus called you out of darkness with His marvelous light. Learn God’s Will and pray accordingly. God’s will is that we have peace, love, and a sound mind. The world cannot take those away from us. 1 Cor 11:24,25 Communion, not to be taken lightly, but to be a monthly cleansing of ourselves from the “dust” of this world.

Sermon 04.24.16 Opening Scripture 1Thes 5:1-11

Of the seven festivals of God, today is the first day of The Festival of Unleavened Bread. In the Old Testament, people took all leaven (a symbol for sin) out of their homes. All of the festivals are a physical example of a spiritual process. Today is also the day of First Fruits. The principle is that we should be mature in our calling by now; Jesus was The First Fruit and there will be a “harvest” of the rest of us. The next major holiday is Pentecost, the day Moses was given the ten commandments and later, the first day the Church began. Pentecost begins 50 days from today. Learn who you are in Christ. Separate yourself from sin. Get ready for a soon-coming King.

Sermon 04.17.16 Beginning Scriptures 1James 1:22-25

We all have problems, faults, but too many Christians act one way in church on Sunday and then behave differently the rest of the week. Verse 25. We have the freedom to worship God, but having the freedom to worship God in liberty means the freedom to worship according to the Holy Spirit's direction--having the ability because of Christ Jesus--to follow God's will. Matt 5:17-20 Scribes and Pharisees were the leaders of the day (the ones who turned 10 commandments into 3000 laws.) As soon as we create laws, we fall short. The world is constantly restricting us because we worry about such things as what other people will think of us. Our church is different than most in that we have the liberty here to sing, dance, make a joyful noise unto the Lord--as long as no furniture is broken. Seriously, true liberty of Jesus is to love one another as you love your neighbor and to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Let's not think of ourselves too highly, but love one another, pray for one another. Don't hold back. Allow God to show you what to do.

Sermon 04.10.16 Beginning Scriptures 1Pet 2:1-5

Each of us is a stone that builds the church of Christ all over the world. We are called forth to be royal priests. Ex 19:5 This generation will stand out and become a holy nation. Continue studying on your own how later the Isrealites held back. We need not to hesitate when we feel a calling on our life. 1Pet 2:9 We are a chosen, a royal priesthood, purchased by the blood of Jesus. Wherever you go, you will find others with the fellowship of God to set spiritual "stones" together for the building of the Temple of God. The Book of Revelations tells us that God will be giving us a small white stone in heaven. The stone will have God’s name for us written upon it, the meaning of which only He and we will understand.

Communion Sunday 04.03.16 Opening Scriptures 1 Cor 11:28

Judge yourselves, and you will not be judged. There are 7 judgements written about in the bible. 1) Our judgement on Him at the cross = wherever Christ is, we will be. 2) 1 Cor 11:31 is self judgement. 3) 2Cor 5:10 We will be judged by our works = rewards. 4) Matt 25:32 Second Coming judgement on earth of nations; 5) also judgement of Israel. 6) Jude 6 White Throne judgement in the air = does away with death. 7) Rev 20:12 Judgement of the dead, also reward or loss for works. God is trying to teach you what you've learned in the world: what is left is righteousness. Jesus will never condemn you.

Easter Sunday 03.27.16 Opening Scriptures John

20:1-10 You have the power to overcome the world. The last thing you will overcome is death, just as Christ Jesus did. Whosoever should cry out to Christ Jesus, will be saved. (Recommended reading: entire Chapter 20 of St. John.)

Merismos Study

Merismos Twenty 03.20.16 Opening Scriptures Heb 4: 12,13

 You must divide soulMan and Spirit Man.  Many don’t know how they live.  How does God deal with all these aspects of all this?  Amos 3:3  The Spirit and soul cannot be in unity if they can’t agree.  Isa 40:31  While you wait on the Lord, you can walk in His power.  Five major ways  to wait:  1) earnestly; 2) patiently; 3) quietly; 4) continuously; 5  waiting only. 1) Ernestly, Psalms 106:12, 13 They sang His praise but forgot his works. Verse 14, Ask outside the will of God, but you will never find satisfaction in it.  Prov 16:1  Issues from the mouth are God’s.  Cannot draw salt water from a fresh  water well.  Whatever you do repetitiously can become religion, which  can kill you.  Mark 4:26-29 You may do all the steps and never be involved in the harvest. Isa. 40:31 Our job is to follow the Spirit, to discern between good and evil, and to run and not be weary. Psalm 37:3-7  Commit yourself to the Lord, wait patiently, and He will teach you in the things you need for your ministry.

Merismos Nineteen 03.13.16 Opening Scriptures Heb 4:12, 13

The whole purpose of this study. The heart is changed, and the new man comes out. We receive hearing through waiting. Sometimes you have a long time to wait upon Jesus, often until the last minute. James 1:22 Forgiving is not an emotion but a spiritual experience. Some people rule out waiting because, "I have faith and don't need to wait". Others never get an answer, so see no need to wait for something that doesn't come. Phil 2:12 Do you serve God or yourself? Palms 62:5-8 You can learn to wait. Jer 1:4 God is actually speaking to him. Rom 8:7 If you keep one foot in the world, you will have a double-minded heart, and you will never hear God. Matt 12:34 Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The mind is not in charge; the heart is. The center of you--the same thing that draws you to God--is what needs to learn to listen. Read Eze 36:26, 27; Col 3:2; Eph 6:11-17; Amos 3:3, and listen to this great lesson. If our soul and your spirit are not in agreement, they cannot come into unity. Once in unity, you can do all thing through Christ who strengthens you.

Merismos Eighteen 03.06.16 Beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12, 13. 1Pet 2:24, 25

A Bishop of souls is not just a Good Shepherd or an overseer, but is someone placed over others. Must transform from carnal to spiritual. 1Pet 5:2 We have different realms within us: soul, body, and spirit (if quickened.) Transition to spirit is the hard part. Too often the soulMan is yelling and causing too many problems for you to be able to hear God. Heb 5:11-14 Many never get past being carnal. We make our own decisions, do our own thing. This study is trying to each enough wisdom to move into your ministry by denying of self, not what you feel, but what you are created for. Pick up your cross. Pray and study. You must wait upon the Lord. May take a long time. Your soul doesn’t have a right to lead your life. Corrupt thought, will, and emotions must die so that God can guide you. Luke 9:23 God wants you to prosper and learn what it is to be a leader. He wants you to have the resources to do His will. Remember, God is in charge. Only His thinking matters. Often painful and difficult. 2Cor 10:4, 5 Pride, self-reliance are wrong for you. Your will goes into self-rebellion. 1Sam 15:22-24 To obey is better than to sacrifice. A lot of social pressure=do you truly fear God, or do you fear the people around you? Often we simply reap what we have sown.

Merismos Seventeen 02.28.16 Opening scriptures Heb 4:12, 13; John 17:22

Jesus talking about fallen state of Man=living independent of God. OldMan has to die so new Man can come forth, or you will never get anywhere. John 6:38 Jesus reveals that His thought, will, and emotions are aligned with God's. John 14:10 Allow the Spirit to move through you. Die to self, and you can move in the very things of God. Isa 53:10-12 Part of problem=comparing self with others. Through Jesus, you have the righteousness to put down your soulMan and pick up the Spirit. John 12:24-26 You will reap what you sow. Every one is called to something, so prepare to die to self. Matt 26:38 Jesus is the perfect intercessor because he knows us since he became fully human. Matt 26:26-28 Jesus words spiritual, but many stuck in the carnal, taking His words literally. God is the only one who can raise you up, and He will. Are you willing to be spent?

Merismos Sixteen 02.21.16 Opening Scriptures Heb 4: 12, 13

Continuing the renewal of the mind. Eph 4:23, 24 When born again you are totally cleansed. Your inner Man becomes alive; however, the old Man is still alive. A battle between the Spirit and the soul begins. A Divided house cannot stand. You must separate yourself, become holy or remain double-minded and worldly in the flesh and not in the Spirit. Rom 6:4 Baptism is renewal. James 1:19-21 Hopefully, most of us have the goal to become mature Christians. As such, we must become swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. Heb 5:11 We must exercise our senses for discernment between good and evil. Rom 4:21 Not working for God but with God. Matt 26:36-46 Each of us must go through his or her own Gethsemane process=only place in bible where Jesus struggles with his humanity. Phil 3:10 Conformable unto His death=through sanctification, we become more and more like Jesus. Also, the Father gave Jesus the power to put down His life and to pick it back up again. We must be willing to sacrifice to understand better.

Merismos Fifteen 02.14.16 Opening Scriptures Heb 4: 12, 13

We are born dualistic. When reborn=suddenly we are triune, three in one, with a quickened Spirit. Rom 12:1,2 Be not conformed (peer pressure) to please man. Be transformed from one reality to another, through surrender to God. Some Christians don’t know that they have to mature, align soul and spirit with God’s will. A few terms that influence change: 1) Source = James 3:5 We accept outside influence (indirectly) through the tongue. 2) Knowledge: thought processes started by old memories; new knowledge coming from the heart, entering into the mind of Christ. 3) Thinking: James 1:21 receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your soul. 4) Belief: Mark 11:23 Believe with no doubt in heart (thoughts, will, and emotions.)

Matt 17:1,2 Jesus’ transfiguration. 2Cor 10:3-6 Weapons of warfare. Jer 23:29 God breaks the Rock of Reproach. Rom 12:1,2 Feed the new Man, the inner Man (Isaac.) Starve the old Man, soul Man (Ishmael) and have control. Eph 4:23, 24 Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Merismos Fourteen 01.31.16 Beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12,13

When Adam ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil his Spirit died. Jesus dying on the cross made it possible for God to quicken our spirits, for us to be reborn in Christ. Acts 5:1-4 Ananias and his wife didn’t have to lie; however, because they were “naked” before God, He saw their dishonesty. Many concepts are shown through parables. You must be certain your calling, ministry is influenced by God and not Satan. James1:19 Super-soul=demonic influence. Saul of Tarsus good example: he believed that he was doing good by killing Christians and destroying churches. James 3:13 Where envying and strife is, there is every evil work. Merismos of the mind. This study=what is soul and what is Spirit=only God can determine the difference. Rom 12:1 Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. We should be like caterpillars changing into butterflies. Carnal Christians will never become butterflies, or fly on wings as eagles. You have to give in to the teachings of the Spirit by cutting off evil influences and aligning your soul and Spirit with God’s will, God’s word. 2Cor 10:4,5 Most people don’t even realize there is a war going on. Satan’s number one lie is that he doesn’t exist. The devil was already defeated by Jesus at the cross. Draw near to God, resist the devil, and the devil must flee. Become thoroughly equipped for your ministry through this study.

Merismos Thirteen 01.24.16 Beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12,13

Teaches mankind rightly to divide the word of God i.e. Spirit and Soul. Lev 19:31, 20:6 Pharmaceuticals, witchcraft will take over the world in the end times. Deut 18:9-14 God's people will not learn of familiar spirits, or enchanters, etc. Ouija Boards, games such as dungeons and dragons, horoscopes, all can unintentionally open doors to evil. Rom 6:11-13 The freedom Christ gives us, religion takes away. Thoughts, will, and emotions are not your enemy. The problem is they are corrupted. Must surrender and align with God's will. Respond when Spirit is leading to become mature enough to know the difference between good and evil. Even through His trials, Jesus had to mature to learn to be obedient. Rom 8:1 Condemnation always comes from the demonic. Satan has no power except what you give him because of the cross.

Merismos Twelve 01.17.16 Beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12, 13.Heb 5:11

Over-soul = devil’s influence in the world. Your thinking might make sense to the world but often isn’t Godly. Matt 16:22,23 Peter was not possessed but influenced by Satan because God wanted the crucifixion to happen. Must be able to exercise your senses you grow to know the difference between good and evil. You are possessed by the Holy Spirit. 2Cor 10:4 The fight is for control of your soul. If you think the devil doesn’t exist, he can get at you. People don’t understand why they need a redeemer because they think that they’re good. Three things your soul does automatically: 1. Your self will always be boasting; 2. will embellish everything, be a braggart; 3. can’t help but be puffed up. If you don’t show me respect, I’ll kill you: turns something unimportant into important. Isa 14:12 Mythology based on truth but is satanic. Satan trying to teach you things that are not so: #1 Satan does not have a kingdom and will not rule over hell. #2 He is always comparing himself to God, wants you to think that he is God, comes as an angel of light and deceives many because they don’t know the difference. #2 He is not a king, has no throne, is not omnipresent nor are his demons. #3 He is confined to this earth. Satan has a great wrath and is an accuser of the brethren. Truth = Hell is Satan’s prison. God can cleanse you of all unrighteousness.

Merismos Eleven 01.10.16 Beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12, 13

The Greek word Merismos means “dividing asunder,” delving into the deepest meanings of God’s word. The purpose of this study is to train born again Christians in their ministries. 1Pet 5:5,6 Our hearts are wicked and ultimately deceitful. God knows our secrets as all are naked before him. Clothe self in humility; you’ll be okay. Pulpit mentality = people believe that whatever is said from the pulpit must be true, but this is not so. Rom 12:1,2 A divided self without maturity in Christ gives an in-road to the devil and will never have security. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly) so that you can come into the acceptable will of God for you, in a subservient role. If you have never wanted the Truth, you will stay a carnal Christian, and may be sealed in damnation. Luke 9:51-56 Logic tells us not to do something, but we must go by the word of God. The devil will always be there to talk you out of it. Matt 16: 21,22,23 The disciples didn’t understand why the crucifixion was necessary because they didn’t have the Holy Ghost yet. Salvation is a process. The soul, the oldMan, will always want to exalt itself. 2Cor 10:3,5 Our warfare is not carnal; the physical is an illusion. Spirituality is true reality. Calm your soul down and listen, and you will learn. Satin has different levels of oppression: direct and indirect. If you know that you are doing wrong, stop it.

Merismos Ten 01.03.16 Beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12, 13

When you are quickened--made alive--you obtain an inner Spirit Man, coming out of self-awareness into spiritual mindset. Problem not thoughts will and emotions, just corrupted ones that are not in alignment with the will of God. Heb 12:3-7 Strengthen your inner man and save your soul through the washing of the water of the word, prayer, works, etc. Divided heart=double-minded man cannot receive from God. Heb 10:32 After being reborn, you start an inner fight when you begin to return to yourself. EZ 11:19,20 God promises a fleshly heart instead of a stony one so that we may walk in his statutes. Jesus defeated Satin at the cross. He can't influence you unless you let him. Study the word for yourself. Ask questions of the Holy Spirit, and He will answer. You must be discipled or stay a carnal Christian. 1 Pet 5:5,6 The purpose of the church is to encourage and assist each other. Jesus gave us the example of how we should walk in the will of the Father. The main reason Christians fall back into the world=they have no one to ask questions. Get excited for we have a soon-coming King.

Merismos Nine 12.27.15 Merismos beginning Scriptures Heb 4:12, 13

Being reborn takes the intervention of God in your life to quicken your spirit. Experience the Liberty of Christ=power over your own flesh. James 1:21 Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your Soul=align your Soul with His Spirit, walking in the Spirit directly, letting Him direct you. God wants you to be spiritually strong=He chose you to endure these end times. Phil 2:12,13 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (with reverence and awe, for God has something for you=get excited about it. 3John 2:2 Must grow into confidence with self control, submitting to God. The "oldMan" keeps pressing in, bringing up old thoughts. Heb 10:32 When reborn, suddenly the Spirit is there but grows into conflict. God gives you spiritual insight. What are you going to do about it? Salvation of Soul must be embedded in heart or double minded heart will produce a reprobate mind. Believe with Spirit, and have no doubts.